Chapter 5 Interactive component

This section allow users to intractively explore the relationship between the review and popularity of albums. We selected top 100 albums on Metacritic in 2022. We also present the relationship between the review and other aspects like danceability and energy. The possibilities are unlimited.

On the left half of the page, we rank the albums according to the Metacritic chart. The right half of the page is interactive. First, it present the average popularity of the album on Spotify in a way that resembles a Cleveland dot plot. As we can discover, locally, there is no strong association between the review rank and the average popularity. However, when we broaden our horizon to the whole chart, we can see a clear trend that albums with higher review rank are more popular.

Moreover, users can click on the circle representing an album. Then the circle will expand to a popularity range of the tracks in that album. This provides more detailed information about the popularity of the album. Also, when users hover on the circle representing a track, it will show the track name.

With this intractive gragh, users can easily figure out the review rank, average popularity of an album, and popularity of specific tracks. These dimensions cannot be easily presented in a static graph without clustering the graph.

We also provide two other aspects: danceability and energy. After clicking on the buttons on the top, the graph will transition to present another aspect.